Screen printed curtainsides by Cunningham Covers

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Curtainside Sign Writing

Classic Curtainside

Use sign writing to brand your 'Classic' curtainside

Cunningham Covers are making curtainsides customisable. Our custainsides are made from premium quality PVC coated polyester weighing in at 900gsm. Our curtainsides are high frequency welded, reinforced at the top and along the buckle line to create a strong curtain for either trailer or rigid body vehicles.

We have a dedicated graphics department who can help you customise your curtains. You can have your artwork printed in full, high quality colour. We also offer a sign writing service - have your curtainside customised with one, two or three colours, or if you prefer we can leave them plain with no artwork, simply select from the canvas colours available. We also have a wide range of buckles for you to choose from, which can help give your curtainsides that fully customised look.